MAG - ImageNation London Amar Gallery - London UK
APR - Solo exhibition - Santa Caterina -  Lucca Italy
APR - Solo exhibition - Palazzo Guinigi -  Lucca Italy
GEN - Solo exhibition - Allegrini Gallery -  Pisa Italy
NOV - American Photography Ai-Ap 40 - New York City USA
OTT - Solo exhibition - InFoto Gallery -  Firenze Italy
APR - Solo exhibition - Santa Caterina -  Lucca Italy
MAR - ImageNation New York One Art Space Gallery - New York City USA
           NOV - American Photography Ai-Ap 39 - New York City USA
           NOV - Centro Italiano della Fotografia d'Autore - Bibbiena Italy           
           SEP -  Festival Fotografia Femminile - Livorno Italy
JUL  - Solo exhibition - F 5.6 Gallery -  Lucca Italy
MAY - ImageNation Paris Galerie Joseph Le Palais - Paris France
APR - Praxis Gallery - Minneapolis USA
NOV - American Photography Ai-Ap 38 - New York City USA
NOV – Kühlhaus Berlin - Germany
SEP – Berlin Photo Week with BBA Gallery - Berlin Germany
SEP – ImageNation Milan Italy
SEP -  Spazio FMF - Fondo Malerba per la Fotografia - Milan Italy
JUL  - Space Millepiani Rome Italy
MAR - AW Galerie - Frankfurt Germany 
FEB – Decode Gallery - Tucson Arizona USA
FEB – House of Lucie Gallery - Budapest Hungary
JEN – Las Laguna Art Gallery - Laguna Beach CA USA
DIC – 6th Biennal of Fine art Barcelona - Julia Margaret Cameron Award 2021
DIC – 6th Biennal of Fine art Barcelona - Pollux Award 2020
NOV - American Photography Ai-AP 37 - New York City USA
NOV - Blank Wall Gallery - Athens Greece
OCT – Haute Photographie Rotterdam - Netherlands
SEP – The Line Contemporary Art Space - London UK
AGO - Photo Place Gallery - Middlebury Vermont USA
AGO - Praxis Photo Art Center - Minneapolis USA
AGO – Phest - Monopoli Italia (video presenting the FreshEyes talents)
JUL – House of Lucie Budapest Gallery - Hungary
JUN – Foley Gallery New York City USA
JAN - Sony World Photography Organisation - online exhibition - Somerset Gallery London UK  
JAN - The Moscow International - Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library - Russia
SEP - The Moscow International - ProPhoto Studios Moscow Russia
JUN - Sony World Photography Organisation - Sony Imaging Gallery Tokyo Japan
MAY - Sony World Photography Organisation - On Screen Exhibition 
SEP - Imago - ImagOrbetello Festival - Orbetello Italy
NOV - Solo exhibition - Circuito Off Photolux Festival -  Lucca Italy
APR - Pisa in Fiore - Garden Art Project - Corso Italia Pisa Italy
AUG - Solo exhibition - LuccaOperaFestival - Lucca Italy
MAY - Il Trauma - Mario Tobino Foundation - Palazzo Ducale Lucca Italy
OCT - Le Felicità Visibili - Pisa Italy
OCT- Le Mura di Lucca 500 anni - Fondazione Cassa Risparmio di Lucca - Italy
AUG - Solo exhibition - I Concerti degli Angeli - Lucca Italy 
APR - Puro & Impuro - Palazzo Vittelli Pisa Italy
APR - Scattidivini - Firenze Italy
MAY - Scattidivini - Siena Italy
           AI-AP 40 American Photography - winner
           Critical Mass 2024 Top 200, USA
           Finalist Fine Art Photography Awards -  Concetual category
           Finalist Color Awards - professional - Fine Art category
AI-AP 39 American Photography - winner
Finalist The Royal Photographic Society
Finalist Portfolio Italia
Finalist Fine Art Photography Awards -  Concetual category
Finalist Color Awards - professional - Fine Art category
First Place Winner - Portfolio dellAriosto
First Place Winner - Le Letture del Merlo
Gold Winner - BIFA Budapest Photography Awards - Portfolio category
Silver winner Px3 Paris Photo 
Silver winner TIFA Tokyo Foto Award - Portfolio category 
Honorable mention IPA - International Photography Awards - Fine Art category
AI-AP 38 American Photography - winner
Editor's pick - Juror Alessia Glaviano - The indipendent Photographer - The color award
            Critical Mass 2022 Top 200, USA
Finalist Color Awards - Fine Art and Abstract category
Gold Winner Muse Photography Awards 
Gold Winner London Photography Awards - Conceptual category
Honorable mention IPA - International Photography Awards - Collage category
Honorable mention Px3 Paris Photo 
Official selection IPA One shot color- International Photography Awards - Professional - Collage category
GUP Magazine & Fresheyes – Talent of the year 2021
Ai-AP 37 American Photography - winner
AAP All About Photo - Colors Awards - Winner
IT's Liquid - 8th edition - winner
Critical Mass 2021 Top 200, USA
Finalist The Royal Photographic Society
            Finalist Fine Art Photography Awards -  Concetual category
Editor's pick - Art photography award 2022 - Lensculture
Editor's pick - Portrait award 2021 - Lensculture
Editor's pick - Open call award - The indipendent photographer
Editor's pick The emerging talent award - The indipendent photographer
Editor's pick - Juror Barbara Davidson - The portrait award (gala award)
First Place Julia Margaret Cameron Award
Second Place BIFA Budapest Photography Awards - Portfolio category
Gold Medal BIFA Budapest Photography Awards - Portfolio category
Silver Medal New York Photography Awards - Fine Art category
Silver Medal Tokyo Foto Awards - Portfolio Fine Art category
Silver Medal BIFA Budapest Photography Awards - Fine Art category
Silver Medal MIFA Moscow Photography Awards - Professional - Portfolio/Fine Art category
Honorable mention ND Photography Awards - Conceptual & People category
Honorable mention IPA - International Photography Awards - Fine Art category
Honorable mention Winner Pollux Awards
Honorable mention Px3 Paris Photo  
Honorable mention Color Awards - Fine Art category
Honorable mention MIFA Moscow Photography Awards - Fine Art Other category
Honorable mention MIFA Moscow Photography Awards - Portfolio/Fine Art & Fine Art Other category
Honorable mention Monovision Photography Award - Fine Art category 
Honorable mention Minimalist Photography Award - Conceptual category
AAP All About Photo - Colors Awards - winner
First Place Winner Pollux Awards
Second Place PORTFOLIO PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR - MIFA Moscow Photography Awards
Second Place PORTFOLIO - BIFA Budapest Photography Awards
Gold Medal MIFA Moscow Photography Awards - Portfolio/Fine Art category
Gold Medal BIFA Budapest Photography Awards - Portfolio/Fine Art category
Gold Medal BIFA Budapest Photography Awards - Culture/People category
Silver Medal BIFA Budapest Photography Awards - Portfolio/Fine Art category
Bronze Medal Px3 Paris Photo 
Bronze Medal MIFA Moscow Photography Awards - Portfolio/Fine Art category
Finalist Sony World Photography Organisation - Creative category
Finalist Fine Art Photography Awards -  Concetual category
Honorable mention ND Photography Awards - Conceptual category
Honorable mention IPA - International Photography Awards - Fine Art category
Honorable mention Px3 Paris Photo 
Honorable mention Chromatic Awards 
Honorable mention Minimalist Photography Award - Conceptual category
Bronze Medal Tifa Tokyo International - Fashion/Editorial category
            Dic - Rassegna Portfolio Uif 2024
            May - FotoIT
Dic - Dodho Book
Dic - Riflessioni Magazine
Dic - All About Photo Magazine
Sep - Inside Artist
Feb - Aesthetica Magazine
Feb - Equal Lens
Dic - All About Photo Magazine
Nov - Fotonostrum Magazine
Oct - Aesthetica Magazine
Each issue - JSH Insight - Hotels Magazine
Oct - Il Tirreno
      2015 - Fashion Photography & Light Technique - Fondazione Studio Marangoni Firenze

